About the Yuppi Camp

The Yuppi Camp organize summer camps based on the experiential  therapy  and  therapeutic  recreation for the children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent). In the future, we wish to extend our camps for children with other chronic disease, such as cancer.

Our camps are planned, organized and coordinated by young, dedicated,  adult volunteers, over 20, which we call MATES. They are chosen carefully and trained intensively to offer high performance in their work during the camps. They all share enthusiasm, professionalism and the desire to play  because the camp itself is a big adventure.

The objectives of the camp schedule is to raise the self-confidence of the children,  to develop a positive self-image and self-acceptance, from these resulting a deep emotional healing of the self , which, we believe, will influence greatly the physical healing of the children. This will also help the acceptance and integration of the disease and treatment in their lives.

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