The foundraising project
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What shall we do?

Who wouldn’t have heard from their parents how they used to travel around the Balaton with the Zhiguli back in the day, and how they explored Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia with it. As we were thinking about planning a big trip for this summer, something completely new and different meanwhile keeping it cost-efficient, we had a great idea.  What if we bought a cheap but lovely little car, drove down to the most wonderful regions of the Balkan Peninsula, and capture all of this in videos. At the end of November we bought our first Lada, and with that the LadaTour preparations had began. We are most likely going to leave Budapest at the end of June, headed straight to the South, travelling through countries such as Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herczegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and finally Romania. You can follow our adventures here, as well as on Facebook, and you can tune into our Youtube series this autumn. The Ladatour is not only the adventures of three university mates, but also a fundraising service (read more Here). So this is us :) 


  • Budapest University Of Technology And Economincs - Transport Engineering College

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